Road to College                                        
            To reflect upon this satirical project, I chose the Global Warming topic because I have an intense passion for the environment and the Earth in general. My opinion on Global Warming is that it’s a catastrophe and that Big Government and Big Oil companies don’t really care about what the current state is of the planet because they’re only concerned about the money they are getting from the American citizens through the implantation of taxes and the rise of gas. Also, without the American citizens support in buying oil most gas companies would eventually go bankrupt. My satirical argument is that many CEO’s and congressmen/woman in a sense are like a bunch of babies. They overly complain about the little money they receive, (while they get it by the millions.) They’re a bunch of babies because of the fact that they lean on the American people in general to bail them out in their tough economic situations in their companies and how they constantly complain while they have huge SUV’s and arrogant or selfish attitudes. I chose a song because it gives me the most creativity to express how I feel about this situation. Mostly teenagers and adults can relate to the satire and skeptics and younger children can’t relate to it. For my 3 literary humor devices, I used a euphemism, hyperbole, and an oxymoron.  

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